Peace of Mind in a Troubled World


“Peace, where is peace—for our nations, our homes, and most of all for our hearts and minds?” This desperate cry has been heard through the ages. Is it also the cry of your heart?

People are weary and worried. Without a doubt there is a need for direction and counsel, security and confidence. We need, and want, peace of mind.

Peace of mind—what a treasure! Can this treasure be found in a world of so much conflict and despair, turmoil and trouble?

Complete text of: Peace of Mind in a Troubled World

The great search is on! Many people are seeking peace in fame and fortune, in pleasure and power, in education and knowledge, in human relationships and marriage. They desire to fill their heads with knowledge and their purses with wealth, but their souls remain empty. Others are seeking to escape the realities of life with drugs or alcohol, but the peace they seek eludes them. They are still empty and lonely, still in a troubled world with a troubled mind.

Man in Turmoil

God created man and placed him in a beautiful garden to enjoy perfect peace, joy, and happiness. But when Adam and Eve disobeyed, they were at once stricken with guilt. Where before they had longed for the presence of God, now they hid themselves with shame. Guilt and fear replaced the peace and happiness they had known. Man’s sin was the beginning of a troubled world—and a troubled mind.

Although our soul longs for God, our sinful nature rebels at his ways. This inner struggle causes tension and distress. When we, like Adam and Eve, are self-centered in our desires and ambitions, we become anxious and fretful. The more we focus on ourselves, the more troubled we become. The uncertainties of life and the changing, decaying world shake our security and disturb our peace.

Although you may not have recognized or acknowledged it, sin could be the reason for your uneasiness. Many people search among outward and material things to find peace. They blame the troubled world for their troubled mind, but fail to look within their own heart.

Jesus Christ, the Prince of Peace

There can be no peace until all aspects of life are brought into harmony with the One who made and understands us. This is only possible by a complete surrender to Christ. He is not only master of the world but knows our life from the beginning to the end. He was thinking of us when He came into the world “to give light to them that sit in darkness and in the shadow of death, to guide our feet into the way of peace” (Luke 1:79).

Jesus offers light for darkness, peace for strife, joy for sorrow, hope for despair, and life for death. He says in John 14:27, “Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you… Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.”

Repentance Brings Peace of Mind

When you feel the heavy load of sin weighing you down, the remedy is to “Repent… and be converted, that your sins may be blotted out” (Acts 3:19). Jesus invites you to this most meaningful, life-changing experience. “Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest” (Matthew 11:28). 1 John 1:9 promises, “If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.” Will you accept his invitation?

When you come to Jesus, you will find forgiveness and freedom. Instead of resentment and unforgiveness, your heart is filled with love and mercy. With Jesus reigning in your heart, you will love your enemies. This is possible through the power of Christ’s redeeming blood.

Abiding Peace

As a Christian, faith in God and trust in his care is the antidote for fear and anxiety. How restful it is to trust in an unchanging God who is from everlasting to everlasting. He loves us and will always care for us. So why worry and fret? Learn to do as we read in 1 Peter 5:7, “Casting all your care upon him; for he careth for you.” We also have the promise, “Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee: because he trusteth in thee” (Isaiah 26:3).

With Jesus Christ in your heart, your search for peace is over. He will give peace and a calm that comes only from trusting Him. You will be able to say with the poet:

I know a peace, where there is no peace,
A calm, where wild winds blow,
A secret place where face to face
With the Master I may go.
-Ralph Spaulding Cushman

You will have peace of mind in a troubled world! Open the door of your heart to Christ—just now—and someday He’ll open the door of heaven for you, where perfect peace will reign for ever and ever.

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Life Worth Living

A Restless World

This world is a restless place. We see people dashing about trying to find fulfillment in activity. Many dedicate themselves to gather riches. Others want all the pleasure of the sensual life. Still others want more leisure and arrange to work less and play more. Yet their spirits are not satisfied. Gadgets, pleasures, and possessions eventually lose their attractiveness. Every new diversion fills in for a time but quickly loses its appeal. Something seems to be missing.

We all have our share of disappointments. Our activities are limited by our physical capabilities. Family members need constant care. We feel trapped in a job because we lack expertise to take up other work. We spend money and go into debt hoping the next purchase will make life more tolerable. Our marriage has not proved to be what we had hoped. In vain we look for fulfillment and purpose.

Is this all there is to life? Should there not be something meaningful to give us satisfaction, something more permanent? Surely, there is a solution.

What Is Life?

Life is a precious span of time given to us by the Creator. The Bible says it is like a shadow (1 Chronicles 29:15); as short-lived as plants and flowers (1 Peter 1:24); and as fleeting as a vapor (James 4:14).

Complete text of: Life Worth Living

While we are young we see life extending for years. As we get older, time seems to speed up. We can’t accomplish what we had hoped for earlier. We are disappointed by a variety of hindrances that restrict our lifestyle.

What Is the Problem?

What contributes to the discontent inside us?

Life is an opportunity but also a responsibility. We are unhappy whenever we go against the good we know we should do. Sin against our fellow man brings about uneasiness and guilt. Sin against ourselves has its destructive effects on our peace of mind. We feel responsible for our deeds.

Most people have a feeling that life is part of a bigger picture than their few short years on earth. For many this means they need to recognize a higher spiritual power, a greater purpose at work in the universe. They may not always know who or what that is.

Often people are dissatisfied with life because they fail to see it from God’s perspective. They are ignorant of God’s will and purpose for man, sometimes willingly so. Many fail to envision the eternal bliss of the faithful and would rather ignore the final judgment of the wicked and godless (Romans 6:23).

The Abundant Life Is Available

Jesus says in John 16:24, “Hitherto have ye asked nothing in my name: ask, and ye shall receive, that your joy may be full.” The joy that Jesus gives is not easily removed from a Christian’s heart.

At times we are heavy hearted because of temptations. But the joy from the Holy Spirit’s presence runs deeper. It may not be the bubbling, light feeling all the time but simply a calm trust in the Lord that allows us to stand unwavering in trial and unconquered by the storm.

Some may tell you that the Christian way is too restrictive to be enjoyed. They might think that in order to be happy you must be able to do as you please. Just try the Lord! You will find it is a pleasure to serve the One who died for you. It will become clear to you that the person who serves himself is really the one in bondage and the servant of Christ is the free man.

True fulfillment is not found in following trends and fashions or patterning our lives to impress others. That kind of living becomes a compulsive force in us and leads to bondage. When we are humble we are free. Free to be ourselves. Free to rest our minds from worrying about what others are thinking of us.

Jesus Offers Life Worth Living

In Matthew 11:28 we read, “Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.” Here Jesus offers rest to all whose load seems more than they can carry, whose life lacks purpose, whose life is unfulfilled.

Come to the Lord and give Him your load of sin, your dissatisfaction, your unfulfilled emptiness, and your frustration. Admit your inability to handle life’s problems. Turn from what you know to be wrong in your life. Give your life over to Jesus. Trust Him to take you by the hand and lead you.

Once you realize you need help in your life, you can come to Jesus and receive that help. As long as you feel independent and self-sufficient, He can do nothing for you. When you yield yourself to his care, there is hope for you.

Jesus Christ can fill the deepest longing of your soul. Yield your life and will to Him. As you ask Him to fill you with his abundance, life in all its fullness will be yours.

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Repentance—Door of Mercy

Do you know that man has been found guilty of sin by a holy God, and sentenced to death? If he is to escape this eternal death and be eternally saved, he must receive God’s mercy. Mercy in this respect is God withholding from man the penalty which he deserves. But God does not bestow his mercy on people without condition, even though salvation is free, without price, and cannot be earned. The condition upon which God grants mercy is repentance.

John the Baptist came preaching the word of God and his message was simple and powerful: “Repent ye: for the kingdom of heaven is at hand” (Matthew 3:2). Jesus, the Son of God, began his ministry with the same message: “Repent: for the kingdom of heaven is at hand” (Matthew 4:17). Repentance is a requisite of salvation, as Peter the apostle said, “Repent ye therefore, and be converted, that your sins may be blotted out” (Acts 3:19). Through repentance, the door of mercy is opened and salvation obtained.

All Have Sinned

In our world there are multitudes of people, and in many ways we are different one from another. But this message we all share: “For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God” (Romans 3:23). And listen further, “There is none righteous, no, not one” (Romans 3:10). God spoke through his prophet Isaiah and said, “All we like sheep have gone astray; we have turned every one to his own way” (Isaiah 53:6). Do you notice the central thought of these scriptures? “All have strayed.” “None righteous.” “All have sinned.” Wouldn’t this also include you? Your soul, your life belongs to God. The man or woman who does not recognize God as the master of his life lives in disobedience and sin. “The soul that sinneth, it shall die” (Ezekiel 18:4).

Sin Separates

Your sins have separated you from God. You feel a longing inside that you can’t explain. You may feel forsaken and that God doesn’t hear. The reason is pointed out by God: “Behold, the Lord’s hand is not shortened, that it cannot save; neither his ear heavy, that it cannot hear: But your iniquities [sins] have separated between you and your God, and your sins have hid his face from you, that he will not hear” (Isaiah 59:1-2). Again, “The wages of sin is death” (Romans 6:23). As you think of your life and your sins, think also about God. God is without sin; therefore He is holy, righteous, and just. God says sin must be judged: “For God shall bring every work into judgment, with every secret thing, whether it be good, or whether it be evil” (Ecclesiastes 12:14). There is a great gulf between you and God. Unless you find the way which spans that gulf between a holy God and sinful man, you shall die an eternal death! (Luke 16:26) But listen, there is a way—there is hope for you!

Jesus Opens the Door

Complete text of: Repentance—Door of Mercy

While it is true God has decreed a judgment of death upon sin, He is also a God of love. “God is love” (1 John 4:16). God loves you even if you are living in sin. His love has made a way for you to be saved (John 3:16). God will carry out his judgment on sin, and if this justice would be meted out to man, he would instantly die. Therefore God, not willing that any should perish, sent his son Jesus to take the penalty of our sins that we may live. The Bible says, “Behold therefore the goodness and severity of God” (Romans 11:22). The goodness of God desires to save man but his judgment demands sentence.

Jesus came to this world for the express purpose of redeeming our souls. He was holy, without sin, the spotless Lamb of God. God’s love for us was proven when He took our sins and guilt and put them upon Jesus. Behold his goodness! Jesus was now made sin in our place, and to satisfy the judgment of God, He was crucified on a cross. He endured the pain and agony, and then died. Our sins were paid. Behold the severity of God!

Repentance: Our Part

Can you see that Jesus died for you; He died because of your sins? Who really crucified Jesus? Were only the Jewish rulers, or Pilate, or the Roman soldiers responsible? Peter the apostle preached a sermon to a multitude of people numbering thousands. Peter’s message was right to the point: “Him [Jesus]… ye have taken, and by wicked hands have crucified and slain” (Acts 2:23). Will you look to Jesus, the One who was crucified, and acknowledge your sin?

By the power of the Spirit of God you will realize that you are helplessly lost. As this realization weighs on your heart, it will bring a burden and regret for sin. In despair, you will cry out, “God be merciful to me a sinner” (Luke 18:13). As God hears your honest plea, He will save you. Your burden will be gone and you will be born again. As you continue to follow, you will turn away from your former ways of sin to heavenly things. This is the work of repentance as it is wrought by God in the heart of all those who will come to Him. Then your heart will be washed clean, and you will have peace, happiness, and security.

Finally, repentance results in a deep appreciation and loyalty to Christ and God’s will. When we were doomed to die with no way out, Christ said, “Come unto me… and I will give you rest” (Matthew 11:28). “We love him, because he first loved us” (1 John 4:19).

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